Accident treatments (ACC)

Has an accident caused damage to your teeth? The Fono Dental is an ACC accredited dental clinic which means ACC might be able to help towards treatment costs.

What to expect

We accept and help you with ACC claims for dental treatment. ACC is an agency that compensates individuals who have sustained injuries through accidents, including dental injuries. If your dental injury is caused by an accident, ACC can help towards your treatment costs. ACC will cover:

  • sports injuries
  • accidents with direct impact to your teeth
  • injuries cause by medical or dental treatment

This service is available for all ages.

How we help

If you require ACC support for your dental treatment, we will take the following high-level steps with you:

Initial consultation (this is free*):

  • examine the injury and take some x-rays.
  • provide an ACC form and help you complete it.
  • register you with ACC.
  • discuss your treatment plan with you.
  • advise you about treatment costs.

Send claim to ACC:

  • seek approval of cost with ACC for payment.
  • send clinical photos of your injury and treatment plan to ACC to make a claim. This can take up to 2 weeks for ACC to approve.

Receive approval from ACC:

  • treatment will be booked and you will return to the clinic for the dental care.

ACC pays for the treatment

If ACC approves payment, ACC will usually only pay for part of the treatment cost. You will need to pay for the outstanding amount. If ACC doesn't approve payment. You will be liable to the cost of the dental treatment *including the consultation costs too. Talk to our dentists to look at available payment options.