28 Mar, 2024
Your journey to being smokefree
Quitting smoking can be an incredibly hard decision. If you feel ready to start on your smokefree journey, having a strong network of support is helpful. In this resource, we are covering the support that we can offer at The Fono and how we can help you through your journey to being smokefree.
At The Fono, we have a dedicated smokefree team of Quit Coaches.
Here are your steps to smokefree success:
- Call from a programme coordinator: The programme coordinator outlines how our smokefree program works and what you can expect. They'll also encourage you that that you’re making the best decision for your health.
- The program coordinator will connect you with a Quit Coach. This is a person dedicated to your quit smoking journey and will be with you for support throughout.
- Next, you’ll get a call from your Quit Coach. Your Quit Coach will book an appointment with you for your first catchup (at a time and location that works for you). This can be at a local cafe, a park or even your home.
- At your first appointment your Quit Coach will ask about your smoking history (when you started/ how much you smoke etc) and why you want to quit.
- The first step is to set a Target Quit Date, a future date that you aim to quit by. Before this date, you can take your time by slowly cutting down and mentally preparing yourself. We know this is a big change and we want you to take your time getting ready.
- Once you reach your Target Quit Date, you will have completely stopped smoking, however we will still be here support you.
- You can set up weekly meetings with your Quit Coach where they check in with you to see how you’re progressing and to keep encouraging you.
- We’re also available for you over the phone to keep reminding you that you’ve made a great decision and that we are here to support you!
If you or someone you know is trying to quit smoking, share this resource with them. We believe that with the right tools and support, anyone can quit smoking.
Who can access the service:
Our free quit smoking support services are available to all people in the community aged 12 years old and over. You must be living in one of these areas:
- Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) region
- Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) region
If you do not live in one of these areas, we can provide referrals to other agencies that can assist you.