Smokefree services
Quitting smoking can be challenging on your own. We're here to help you on your quit journey. Our services are free and flexible, and we'll give you support for as long as you need us.
What is it
Making the decision to quit smoking will be one of the best decisions for the health of you and your whānau. Our free Smokefree service is built to be flexible as you embark on your journey. It's a 6-8 week programme that can be completed one-on-one, or you can go on the journey with a group. We'll help to create a network that supports you in your journey. The programme generally provides the following:
- A personalised plan (i.e. to set your quit date)
- Help you create goals and develop a plan to achieve them
- Education about the health risks with smoking
- Provide nicotine replacment therapy (NRT)
- Support in how to use Nicotine replacement products
- 1:1 support sessions or group support sessions
- Connect you to services that will help you on your journey
Our dedicated team of Quit coaches are also often in the community engaging and connecting with many Pacific communities and community leaders to create better outreach to people who smoke and promote and advocate health education on smoking. We also work quite closely with other agencies and other healthcare providers to ensure our programme are accessible to those who need it.
Who can access it
Our free quit smoking support services are available to all people in the community aged 12 years old and over. You must be living in one of these areas:
- Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) region
- Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) region
If you do not live in one of these areas, we can provide referrals to other agencies to assist you in your local community.
How do we help?
We're here to make the journey less difficult. We have a team of Quit coaches diverse and culturally competent, with the ability to speak more than two languages. You'll be matched with a Quit coach and they'll meet with you at home or where you feel the most comfortable and safe. Your quit coach will support you from the very first moment of contact to the successful completion of you quitting smoking on your quit date. As part of the programme we'll celebrate by providing an incentive after successfully quitting and completing the programme. We also offer wrap-around support to you and your family from The Fono. We understand that navigating health care can be overwhelming, so we're here to connect you to the additional resources you need.
Enquiries and Referrals
For all personal enquiries please use the first form (below). And if you are reaching out on behalf of someone else please use the second form (below).