17 Apr, 2024

Memorable visits so far this year

Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon Visits The Fono City - Launch Flu Immunisation. PM getting his flu shot from Moana Manukia

We’ve had the privilege of welcoming a number of honourable guests through our doors this first quarter. We value each and every one of these visits and the open talanoa that flowed. Our sincere appreciation to all who took the time to visit us and that continue to support and acknowledge our work. Here are a few highlights.

7th February

Minister Tama Potaka's visit to Oceania Career Academy

Oceania Career Academy Chair and Group CEO of The Fono, Fiugalu Tevita Funaki, and staff had the pleasure of hosting Hon. Tama Potaka at our Māngere campus on Wednesday 7th February. As Minister for Whānau Ora, he was keen to learn more about our work and how he can continue to support our integrated services for Pasifika families.

Hon. Tama Potaka visits Oceania Career Academy

29th February

MFTA Pacific Manaaki Skills Scholars programme – Henderson Healthcare Centre

We were honoured to host the 2024 MFAT Manaaki Scholarship Programme participants at our Henderson Healthcare Centre. The 28 representatives were from across the Pacific region. They were selected from the health and wellbeing sectors of their counties. They completed their short term Public Health Management training at The University of Auckland. This was followed by a graduation ceremony at the Fale Pasifika on the 8th of March, 2024.

MFAT Manaaki Scholarship Programme Visit to Henderson Healthcare Centre 1

13th March

Members of the Pacific Health Service Hutt Valley – Henderson Healthcare Centre

Candice Apelu Mariner, GM of Hutt Valley’s Pacific Health Services brought her team of 10 to The Fono on a fact finding mission as part of their organization’s reset and group strategy. Group CEO, Fiugalu Tevita Funaki presented to them The Fono’s unique Model of Care before leading the group on a tour of the newly refurbished Henderson Healthcare Centre.

Pacific Health Service Hutt Valley Visit to Henderson

2nd April

Prime Minister and Minister Reti launch the 2024 Flu Vaccination campaign - City Healthcare Centre

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and the Minister of Health and for Pacific Peoples, Shane Reti chose The Fono’s City Clinic to launch the 2024 Flu Vaccination campaign by receiving their Flu jabs from our Nurse Manager, Moana Manukia. Attended by a large media contingent, a press conference was held for the PM to cover the government’s 36 point plan for the next three months and to take questions. Group CEO Fiugalu Tevita Funaki and The Fono’s Chair Nacanieli Yalimaiwai then took the PM and Minister Reti on a short tour of the premises and briefed them on our unique model of care.

“I want to thank you for sharing your incredible story of service with us this afternoon, and we look forward to talking further on how we can support you and your teams,” was the Prime Minister’s thank you remark before departing.

Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon Visits The Fono City - Launch Flu Immunisation arriving at the City clinic

Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon and  Shane Reti Visit The Fono City to launch flu immunisation campaign sign form for their flu shots
Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon and Moana Manukia hug after he receives his flu immunisation at The Fono city healthcare centre
Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon and Moana Manukia hug after he receives his flu immunisation at The Fono city healthcare centre
Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon and Shane Reti Visit The Fono City - Launch Flu Immunisation - with Moana Manukia
Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon and  Shane Reti Visit The Fono City to launch flu immunisation campaign - in discussion with CEO Tevita Funaki & Chair Nacanieli Yalimaiwai
Prime Minister PM Christopher Luxon and  Shane Reti Visit The Fono City Healthcare centre photo with The Fono CEO, Chair, Dr Ruby Manukia-Schaumkel, ELT and Renee Richards-Berry

5th April

Minister Casey Costello's visit – Manurewa Healthcare Centre

We were privileged to welcome Minister Casey Costello to The Fono's Manurewa Healthcare Centre. Minister Casey was particularly keen to hear from our Smokefree Team Leader, Lingi Pulesea about the effectiveness of our quit smoking programme which has seen quit rates in the 90% range over the last 3 years. They also discussed our current Pacific women's health and maternity care programs. Attendees from The Fono: Fiugalu Tevita Funaki (Group CEO), Nephesh Leota-Leaupepe (EA), Lingi Puleasa (Smoke Free Team Leader), Ridley Wright (Community Engagement) and Ekitino Vaiangina (Healthy Minds - LagiOla Health Coach). Also in attendance were Markerita Poutasi, Pacific Health Director at Te Whatu Ora, and Rebecca Ruwhiu-Collins, Pae Ora Programme Manager at Te Aka Whai Ora Māori Health Authority.

Minister Casey Costello visits Manurewa - group photo outside clinic
Minister Casey Costello visits Manurewa - in discussion with CEO
Minister Casey Costello visits Manurewa - in discussion with CEO and others