12 Apr, 2024
New Kahu Taurima maternity services programme launched
Around 200 Pasifika women who gave birth at Waitākere or North Shore Hospitals last year were unknown to health services. That worrying statistic is why The Fono has launched the new Kahu Taurima service.
'These women are invisible to the health system,' says Public Health Manager Janet Masoe-Hundal. She adds that pregnant Pasifika women who give birth at maternity hospitals are often not signed up with a GP or antenatal services. Kahu Taurima aims to reach these women within their communities. 'We use our network of community groups, churches and agencies to support women in a way that works for them,' Janet says.
Annabelle Cliffe, the Project Lead for Kahu Taurima, says the new free service will also help pregnant women, mums and their families.
Women involved in the programme can tap into The Fono's full range of services. Annabelle says that many pregnant women need help with things like diet, exercise and stopping smoking. The Fono's social workers can connect women with the support they need. And they can also introduce them to external agencies like Plunket. 'We get to know you, your child, and your family. We will guide and support you,' Annabelle says. This free service is for Pasifika women who are pregnant or have a child under four. It's only open to women living in the Waitematā District Health Board area. However, interested women living in other regions should still contact The Fono. We can refer you to local agencies that can help.
CEO Fiugalu Tevita Funaki MNZM said, 'There's a need for maternity services delivered by Pasifika for Pasifika.' The new service means that pregnant Pasifika women and new mums receive the care and support they deserve.
To find out more, free text KAHU to 8849 or email kahu.taurima@thefono.org.