12 Apr, 2024

The Fono at Polyfest 2024

Healthy Minds LagiOla team outside The Fono's tent at ASB Polyfest 2024

The Fono is excited to share our activity at Polyfest 2024. The event is a fantastic opportunity to spread awareness of our work within the youth space. With lots of planning in the weeks prior, the result was well worth our efforts.

Children with hats at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024

A main focus for us at this year’s Polyfest was our Measles Outreach campaign which encourages our community to get immunised. We also spread awareness about the disease. Our Medical Team was on-site providing information, answering questions and immunizing children and adults. A total of 22 people were immunised and an additional 30 had their records checked.

Moana Pasifika, PMN NuiFM announcer and The Fono's LagiOla staff at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024

This year we also wanted to outline our Dental & LagiOla - Healthy Minds services which both offer youth focused programs. We ran a Healthy Minds youth campaign which was aimed at 12–19-year-olds struggling with stress or mental health challenges. We created and distributed an info flyer to help decrease the stigma surrounding mental health.

Close up of Healthy Minds LagiOla service table merchandise at The Fono's stall at Polyfest 2024

Our Dental Team engaged with 153 young people encouraging youth to fill out a brief survey to go in the draw for our National Oral Health Day Giveaway. By entering the competition, they had the chance to win $250 of dental products.

Dental services table with merchandise at The Fono's stall at Polyfest 2024

We also partnered with Moana Pasifika and Niu FM who were present at our stall. Their presence was a positive draw card for our young audience and provided exposure to our stall and services.

Moana Pasifika with fans at The Fono's stall at Polyfest 2024

Moana Pasifika doing tug of war at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024
The Fono's staff doing tug of war at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024

OCA was also present at our stall, getting people interested in the Carpentry and Health & Wellbeing educational opportunities available to them.

OCA staff member at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024
The Fono's LagiOla staff at OCA table at our stall, Polyfest 2024

Overall, Polyfest 2024 was an enormous success with many children and teenagers coming through to get to know more about The Fono. They played games, spoke with our staff, and took photos with their favorite athletes. It was a positive community experience for us all and we can’t wait to be back in 2025!

Moana Pasifika, Oceania Career Academy, and The Fono's staff at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024
Moana Pasifika and The Fono staff at The Fono's stall, Polyfest 2024